‘The children have taught me everything I know. I’ve spent so many years watching them and know that every child needs time and space and at Wild for Words they can have both. Then, just sometimes, they also need a little bit of help to believe in themselves. ​Children love learning - as most of us do - it’s the teaching that flusters them! Once they learn to live in the moment, are mindful of their surroundings and not scared of making mistakes, they feel in charge and learning becomes two-way and is an entirely different process."
The Creative English Teacher
Willa has worked with children all her life, partly as an aid worker, organising programmes for separated and unaccompanied children in Africa and as a teacher - ranging from teaching in open air schools in India, Africa, and for a short while in the Calais jungle - to working in small independent and state schools in Paris, Oxford and London.
In Willa’s most recent role, (Head of English and teacher of Years 5 and 6 in a flourishing independent school in North Oxfordshire) outdoor learning was central to the curriculum and confidence building a key part of the school’s ethos.
Willa has taken this concept further by deciding to share her garden, offering a world away from the class-room, where children can relax with no pressure and experiment with words their way, far from targets and screens.
Willa aims to underpin and support the valuable work that goes on in schools and invigorate the writer in every child.
Support staff are trainee teachers, undergraduates, 'A' level students or gappies.
"It is clear that certain teachers are exceptional and can transform children's lives. Even before teaching our daughter we knew you were one of those exceptional teachers and can't thank you enough for all you have done for her and the way she has thrived under your guidance."